Our Speakers

Dr KAYYALI Mohamed
Savvy Business, Technology and Science Int. Expert, USA


Dr. Kayyali, Certified Innovation Management from Harvard University at the HBS, holds PhD & M. Sc (WCU), he is IEEE Industrial Officer ,and BCS (British Computer Society) Chartered Scientist & Chartered Fellow by the Royal Science Council of United Kingdome & Awarded ELITE by BCS in U.K., his biography listed in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering and he has patent theory, he published many conferences & journals papers and 5 indexed books in computer science, a book at the Library of Congress in U.S.A., a keynote speaker by U.N. & European Union, he was a researcher visitor at the University of California- Santa Barbara UCSB, he was the CEO at Trust Holding Dubai, with numbers of business technology transformation & management consulting works cross Latin America, North Africa, Asia and Middle East, he is consultant by European Bank EBRD.

Currently he is the president of KSF Space Foundation a USA space organization in developing space missions, satellites and sub-orbital rockets, leading the world in space program in small satellite as well.

He is specialized in:

  • * Satellite imagery and space industry
  • * Technology Business Transformation
  • * Business innovation & entrepreneurship
  • * Image processing & remote sensing technology
  • * Governance strategic towards cutting edge space technology
  • * Satellite Industry -wide Change Management
  • * Artificial Intelligence & Security
  • * IFGICT/ ITU/ IEEE Standardization


The revolution of IoSat in the era of artificial intelligent from space


The revolution of iot is expanding each single day but if we are considering the expansion of these kind of technology only in our daily life in this earth so we need to consider as well the next era of this expansion of iot from space, how small satellites cubesats or nanosatellites will play an important role if not a basic rule in telecommunication, broadcasting, Internet of things applications from space. And how such initiative will be tremendous dangerous on our daily life due to security purpose of such applications.

The next era of such technology will empower the use of iot or what we called it IoSat from space with the full thrust of engineering that never been made before.